Monday, 19 April 2010


How to use Latex and some commands are listed in this section.

Newline : \newline
Making a section :
\section{Write your heading for the section}
Making a subsection :
\subsection{Write your heading for the subsection}
Making Bullet Points :
\item Write your first bullet point here
\item Write your first bullet point here 
Ordered list by number :  
\item Write your first bullet point here
\item Write your first bullet point here 

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Linux Commands

Search in Terminal: find . -exec grep "Words to be Searched" '{}' \; -print
Checking the Running Processes:
Check the current directory Path: pwd
List all the files in the current directory: ls
View a text file in the terminal: cat file_name
Goto previous Directory: cd ..
Goto home: cd ~
Remove File or Folder : rm filename OR
rm directory name
Remove non empty Folder : rm -r directoryname
Removing everything from the directory without warning : if you are inside the directory then use
rm -rf * OR
rm -rf ./*
Deleting Hidden Files : rm –rf .??*

For help or more information about rm use:
info rm
man rm
rm --help
Find a text: There are different commands that can be used to find text
1. find . -exec grep "Text to be searched" '{}' \; -print
How to open / view a Pdf from console:
1. gpdf filename.pdf
2. kpdf filename.pdf
3. xpdf filename.pdf
4. evince filename.pdf

Extract .tar.gz files:

tar xvf packagename.tar.gz

Decompress .gz files:
gunzip file.gz
setting a file as executable: 
sudo chmod +x filename